Jumaat, 30 Oktober 2009

saksikanlaa episod slanjutnya dii utube...

smbungan vdeo adiputra tu korg cari sndrik lee kt utube..maleh nak upload..lame bebenorr rasenye...ehehhee.....

marilah sama2 lak
kta layan DBSK....:P huahuhauhauahhuahua.....

AG.SAM yg tgh tunggu turn basuh baju

salam geng

Yo yo...hehehee....ape kaborr geng?...kami baru pas 1 paper je....doakan kami....lg 4 paper.. :) xde apa yg menarik cuma smlm tertgk show ac sempooi yg slama ni x pnah lak berminat utk tgk...hahahahaa.....tp kali ni tgk sbb ade Adiputra yg comel... -_*
Amat mengkagumkan....cita2 beliau....prinsip beliau......sama2laa kita berdoa agar bumi Msia nii dianugerahkan lg dgn anak2 pewaris bangsa yang terdidik agamanya serta ilmu dunia....Amin~

Kepada iffah (member 1 kos n sbelah blok)..hahahaa....xdapet ar nak buat adiputra tu suami...11 thn bezaa beb...:P kehkhekhekhekeh....wat menantu sempat kot...

Ag.SAM yg berjiwa muda (konon leh jd istri bliau ar)

Idola KEcil

Jumaat, 23 Oktober 2009

mesti tonton!

Jika saudara/i sedang bersedihan ke...stress ke...jom tonton family outing..hahahaa...one of da best show beb...for further details....plz read the following story below....heheheeh

The show is a two day and one night show split into two episodes.

In the first episode, it starts with a call from Yu Jae-Seok, the permanent MC on the show, telling the rest of the family where the next location is. Each member arrives along with the episode's guest, greeted by Yu Jae Seok who is usually waiting in front of the town hall or a waiting shed. The guest is then given a map to follow to the house that they will be staying in. Once they reach the house, they send off the owners on their vacation and look over the list of chores that the house owners have left behind for them to complete. After this, they begin with the first chore. While completing this chore a game is played in which the family splits up into two teams. After completing the first chore they either go on to the next chore or go to prepare dinner. When preparing dinner, the family splits up the duties once again.

After dinner, the Family goes to the ranking contest or the games for chores. Before Park Ye Jin and Lee Chun Hee's departure, the sleeping arrangements are chosen by having a contest after dinner. Lee Hyo Ri and Park Ye Jin would rank the men in the family from first, as the most desirable, to last (1 to 6 or 7 if there are two male guests) based on how well they perform in the day and the contest. After which the guys rank the girls. Recently, the ranking activities has been replaced with games to figure who will be doing the late-night or early-morning chores. Four people are chosen, whether losing as a group or an individual game then choosing the rest. The first episode usually ends in the middle of the night's activity.

The second episode begins with the continuation of the night's activity. After the rankings or the nighttime chores, the Family goes to bed. They usually sleep around midnight or later, because of the night activities or because they talk so much before going to sleep. The next morning the show's producer wakes up Yu Jae-Seok and gives him the instructions for the Wake Up Mission. Initially, the Wake Up Mission was in the form of a quiz but later on was changed into more physical games. Whoever loses this game, has to make breakfast for the family. The loser then picks one to sometimes three people to make the breakfast with him/her. While they make breakfast, the rest of the Family either goes back to sleep, or completes another chore. The people that makes the breakfast gets to choose what they want to cook. Most of the time, the process of making breakfast takes a long time so it will be at least noon or later when the family members eat breakfast. After breakfast, the Family does the remaining chores on the list left by the owners. While completing the final chores, another game is played. After finishing the chores the owners of the house return and the Family leaves. A preview of the next week's episode and guest/s is shown at the end of the episode.

The current members of "Family" are Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Hyo Ri, Yoon Jong Shin, Kim Su Ro, Kang Dae Sung, Kim Jong Kook, Park Si Yeon and Park Hae Jin. Former "Family" members Park Ye Jin and Lee Chun Hee left the show after their one-year contract ended. Most of the "Family" members, which was constantly pointed out in the show, were new to variety programs, namely: Kim Su Ro, Lee Chun Hee, Park Ye Jin, Kang Daesung, Park Shi Yeon and Park Hae Jin. In the course of the show, the members has been creating various characters and been given nicknames that are recurring in the show and has been used even outside the show

We love Chun Hee..ahahaa..

Ag.SAM in family outing

All the best BG

Salam BG....all the best in our final exams...GOOD LUCK.....slmt berusaha...slmt berusha....slmt belajar....slmt tdoo....ngeh2....last but not least...slmt makan....makan itu penting...hekhekhek....:P

InsyaAllah...berjaya smua... :) dunia & akhirat....amin~

(saje letak gmbo ni kt sbelah...rase smgt sket..)

Ag.SAM yang khuatir gmbr ni akan di delete

Assalammualaikum wbt.

Hehehe...salam smua, ape kabar? cewah...serius lama gle x menjenguk blog ni...hehehe..sbb asal online je tgk dbsk...dbsk...dbsk...ngeh2..jgn marahh BG...kehkhekhekhekeh...ape cte terbaru BG? haa...kami sdg bertungkus lumus siapkan asgmt n wat preparation utk exam...28/10-11/11 kami exam...11:11?? nice number huh...heheheehee....BG mmg suke tgk 11:11...hahahaha.... tetibe rasa nak update balek blog ni...kawan2..leh masok gmbor2 dbsk x?? (konpem kena tendang)...hahahaa....

Ag.SAM a.k.a dbsk yang sedang kesorangan

Ahad, 11 Oktober 2009

Ke Mana kah BG kali Ini?? JeNg..JeNg..

Debaran menanti jawapan ke manakah destinasi Interaksi BG kali ini..ahaahaaha...Di Midvelly kah, di Sg.Congkak kah, di Pulau Langkawi kah, atau di Bilik di KTHO ja??aisey...hahhaa...Anyway..BG2 sekalian.. sblm tu..cam besa..proposal interaksi perlu disediakan..hehe..

1. Objektif Interaksi kali nie
2. Lokasi kejadian
3. Tentatif program
4. Budget
5. Peserta

hehehe...Nantikan...(atau mungkin kah interaksi BG xdiluluskan sb kena stdy tok exam coz ade ahli BG mencatat rekod burok gle sem ni..------>> ANNE )..hukhuk

Yg mempropose,


Salah faham

BERTINDAK atas saranan doktor, Mamat dihantar untuk berubat di Amerika kerana penyakitnya yang agak kritikal. Sesampainya di Hospital New York, Mamat dibawa ke bilik bedah dan dipasangkan tiub getah di kiri dan kanan tubuhnya.

Beberapa jam kemudian, seorang pesakit dari England yang kelihatan lebih parah dibawa masuk dan diletak bersebelahan katil Mamat.

Mat Saleh ini walaupun kelihatannya lemah, dia masih mencuba untuk berkomunikasi dengan Mamat.

Dia mengangkat tangannya dengan susah payah dan berkata: "England..."

Mamat yang juga sedang lemah, menjawab: "Malaysian..."

Selepas itu kedua-duanya pengsan kerana keletihan. Beberapa jam kemudian mereka kembali sedar dan cuba berkomunikasi lagi.

Si Mat Saleh berkata dengan lemah: "James...". Dijawab dengan susah payah oleh Mamat: "Mamat...".

Selepas itu mereka pengsan lagi. Beberapa jam kemudian selepas sedar, mereka berdua masih mencuba melanjutkan perbualan.

“Birmingham..." kata si Mat Saleh.

Dijawab Mamat: "Kuala Kangsar...". Mereka pengsan lagi.

Tidak lama kemudian mereka sedar dan masih mencuba untuk berbual.

Si Mat Saleh yang sudah hampir kehabisan nafas berkata: "Cancer..."

Dan dengan sisa-sisa nafas yang ada Mamat menyahut: "Capricorn...!"


SEORANG lelaki baru saja bertengkar dengan isterinya. Habis bertengkar, secara tiba-tiba saja isterinya terus mengemas barangnya ke dalam beg.

"Kenapa?, "lelaki itu bertanya.

Isterinya berhenti sebentar. Dia merenung lelaki itu lalu berkata:

" Kita sudah berkahwin lebih 15 tahun. Dalam masa itu, rumah ini tak pernah aman. Asyik bertengkar saja. Saya sudah tak tahan. Saya nak tinggalkan rumah ini!"

Lelaki itu berfikir sebentar. Dia kemudian berlari ke dalam bilik dan membawa keluar sebuah beg pakaian.

"Betul juga kata awak. Aku juga dah tak tahan dengan rumah ini. Aku nak ikut awak keluar dari rumah ini!."


SEORANG gadis kecil berasa badannya lemah dan sakit ketika berada di pasar raya bersama ibunya.

"Mama," kata gadis kecil itu.

"Bolehkan kita balik sekarang?"

"Tidak," jawab ibunya.

"Ma, saya rasa hendak muntah!," kata gadis kecil itu.

"Keluarlah, pergi ke tandas di tingkat atas..."

Selepas kira-kira seminit, gadis kecil itu kembali ke tempat duduknya.

"Sudah selesai?" tanya ibunya.



"Saya tidak pergi ke tingkat atas... Ma," kata anaknya lalu menyambung.

"Kat tepi tu ada sebuah kotak derma... di situ tertulis "UNTUK ORANG YANG SAKIT.’"