Isnin, 8 Jun 2009

Kami suka !!

Ice kacang or Ais kacang (literally "red bean ice"), is a dessert served in Malaysia. It is also popularly known as air batu campur in Malay or ABC for short. It is sweet-tasting and is primarily ice served with sweet flavoured syrup and jelly. The word Kacang is a Malay word for bean, and the word "ais" is a translation of the english term "ice".
Today, ice kacang generally comes in bright colours, and with different fruit cocktails and dressings. Several varieties have also been introduced which contain aloe vera in some form or another, such as in jelly form. Often, a large serving of attap chee (palm seed), red beans, sweetcorn, grass jelly, cubes of agar agar and chendol form the base. Evaporated milk is drizzled over the mountain of ice. To cater to the palates of the modern customer, some stalls have even introduced novelty toppings like durian, chocolate syrup and ice cream. There are also versions that shun the multi-coloured syrup and are served with just a drizzling of gula melaka syrup instead.

Rasanya time2 cuaca paneh nie...bile makan ABC, memg nikmat ah...sape2 yg rase nak blanje BG makan ABC, kami suke byk kacang..(hakhakhak)...stresssSSsss...

Di sini kami nak ucapkan terima kasih pd insan2 yg baek hati menolong kami td yg terkandas di hutan ukm nie...hekhek..maapkan kalo nyusahkan insan2 tersebut... for all....all for one..(tp kalo ABC sorg satu ar..xleh kongsi2..) :P

Peminat setia ABC

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